When it comes to No Time To Die, we’ve waited; we’ve wondered; and then we’ve waited again. Then, we waited some more; and now, we’re doing a bit more waiting. With a scheduled UK release date of 30th September 2021, we’ll likely be waiting for a few more months yet — but judging by the speed at which this year’s flown by (the fact we’re already nearly six months in is borderline frightening), that much-anticipated release date will likely come around in a flash.
But to see you through those last few months of anticipation, we’ve rounded up the 10 best James Bond quotes of all time. We don’t need to tell you that 007 has always been known for his sharp wit and acerbic humour; and, although the list of iconic quotes is seemingly endless, we’ve somehow managed to whittle our list down to just 10 (and yes, we’ve included Goldfinger twice; it really does have some of the best lines of all time). So, without further ado, here is our James Bond quote top 10.

1. Thunderball
Pat Fearing: “What exactly do you do?”
Bond: “Oh, I travel – A sort of licensed troubleshooter.”
2. Goldfinger
Bond: “There are some things that just aren’t done, such as drinking a Dom Perignon ’53 above a temperature of 38 degrees Fahrenheit. That’s as bad as listening to the Beatles without earmuffs.”
3. The Man with the Golden Gun
Bond: “Pistols at dawn; it’s a little old-fashioned, isn’t it?”
Francisco Scaramanga: “That it is. But it remains the only true test for gentlemen.”
Bond: “On that score, I doubt you qualify. However, I accept.”
4. Casino Royale
Bond: “So you want me to be half monk, half hitman.”
M: “Any thug can kill. I want you to take your ego out of the equation.”
5. A View to a Kill
Bond: “The name’s Bond. James Bond.”
Fire Captain: “Yeah, and I’m Dick Tracy and you’re still under arrest.”

6. Spectre
Clinic Barman: “Here you are, sir: one proleptic digestive enzyme shake.”
Bond: “Do me a favour, will you? Throw that down the toilet. Cut out the middle man.”
7. Die Another Day
Mr. Kil: “I’m Mr. Kil.”
Bond: “Now there’s a name to die for.”
8. Goldfinger
Mei-Lei: “Can I do anything for you, Mr. Bond?”
Bond: “Oh, just a drink. A martini, shaken, not stirred.”
9. Diamonds Are Forever
Bond: “Well, I’m afraid you’ve caught me with more than my hands up.”
10. Skyfall
Bond: “A gun and a radio. Not exactly Christmas, is it?”
Q: “Were you expecting an exploding pen? We don’t really go in for that any more.”
Haven’t got your Bond fix yet? Well, here’s every motorcycle James Bond has ever revved up…
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