These are the 6 most attractive hobbies for men
Looking to add some more strings to your bow? Well, we've rounded up the six most attractive hobbies a gentleman can pursue...
Let’s nip one thing in the bud straight away: when we say ‘attractive hobby’, we’re not referring to physical attraction. We don’t mean a hobby that allows a fellow’s sculpted abs to be on display for all the world to see (attractive though said sculpted abs certainly may be). No; we mean hobbies that hint at a gentleman’s hidden depths; activities that suggest refined tastes; pastimes that imply an active lifestyle and a commitment to self-improvement.
It probably sounds, by now, as though we’re talking less about hobbies and more about homework. But never fear; there are plenty of gentlemanly hobbies that tick all those boxes, and more. We’ve rounded up a selection of the most attractive (and gentlemanly, naturally) hobbies you could possibly hope to fill your calendar with. Throw yourself in, allow the hobbies to speak for themselves; and rake in the admiring compliments while giving yourself a few more strings to your bow. Who could ask for more?
Whip your topspin into shape

As a healthy, active sort of gentleman, we assume you’re no stranger to getting out onto the tennis court and volleying back and forth for a while. But if you’re looking for a truly attractive male hobby, there are few phenomena more attractive than a man who is really, seriously, borderline-intimidatingly good at tennis. Wimbledon may be over for another year, but take some inspiration from the past two weeks and set about practicing that backhand.
It’s all about the science, really. Andy Murray is generally perceived to be a pretty attractive fellow. Novak Djocovic has a pretty solid fan base. Roger Federer tends to be a hit wherever he goes. Of course, these are world famous tennis stars; and we’re not suggesting you attempt to turn pro just for the sake of an attractive hobby (though, if the mood strikes you…). But we are saying that dedicating some solid time this summer to really improving your game and becoming something of an amateur tennis expert would do a lot for your attraction credentials.
Invest in a sturdy bookmark: you’re going to need it

There are few things more attractive than a well-heeled gentleman getting stuck into a good book. So if you’re on the lookout for an attractive hobby but would describe yourself as ‘not much of a reader’, we’d suggest rewriting that description forthwith.
A gentleman who reads is a gentleman who wants to learn more about the world in which he lives: and there are few things more attractive than a man who is intellectually curious. There is nothing attractive about a man who is content to let the world wash over him without engaging; but a man who reads has an undeniable, ineffable attraction. As far as genre goes, that’s up to you — but we’d always advise mixing it up a bit. Why not choose which Bond book you should read this summer; and then switch that up with a book that celebrates Pride? The world’s your bookmarked oyster.
Avail yourself of a trowel or two, and get out into the garden

It’s a common misconception that gardening is a pastime restricted to members of the older generation. Gardening is a hobby virtually begging to be enjoyed by all generations, young and old; and if you’re hankering after an attractive hobby, we’d suggest jumping on the gardening bandwagon as soon as you can.
If you’ve already been sowing, hoeing and weeding, we take our gardening hats off to you. But if you’re feeling increasingly suspicious of how attractive a hobby that involves copious amounts of soil and crawling around on your hands and knees could be, allow us to allay your fears: it’s not such foreign territory, really. We assume you’ve got a house plant or two? Well, gardening’s one step up from keeping your house plant alive: and it suggests that you’re a thoughtful, creative sort of chap — one who’s keen to see nature flourish and do his bit for the planet. Pretty attractive stuff, really.
Brush up on your wine knowledge

As attractive hobbies go, wine is the sleekest, most sophisticated hobby a gentleman could possibly work into his diary: a bit like the Savile Row of pastimes, if you will. Needless to say (although we’ll certainly say it anyway, to dispel any doubt), we’re not talking about routinely getting drunk on cheap wine with indeterminate origins. Nothing attractive about that. No; we’re talking about becoming an expert in the finest wine, and being able to wax lyrical about terroirs, appellations and lieu-dits.
A gentleman who knows about wine is a gentleman with a magnetic level of attraction. Don’t become arrogant with your newfound knowledge of maceration and aeration — arrogance can shatter attractiveness into a million tiny pieces — but enjoy your newfound hobby, and reap the rewards as you unfailingly impress at the next dinner party. And if you need a bit of help getting started, we can help you there…
Dust off your yoga mat

We know it, you know it; fitness is attractive. Staying in shape and taking care of your body is an unequivocally attractive aesthetic — but stop churning out those press ups for a second, and slow it right down. If you’re looking to fit yet another hobby into your (by now) jam-packed calendar, we’d heartily recommend carving out some time for yoga.
Because while fitness is certainly attractive, the attraction is somewhat lessened when it becomes apparent that the gentleman in question is only doing it for his outer appearance. Yoga, on the other hand, is all about caring for the body and mind — and that’s a pretty attractive feat. There’s no need to restrict your time on the mat to yoga; Pilates will do just as well. Either way, trust us when we say that a gentleman keen to care for his body while simultaneously ironing out his tangled, complex thoughts is an attractive gentleman indeed.
Pick up your paintbrush, and get painting

Yes, you did read that right. If you’re in pursuit of an attractive hobby, art will do it every time. It doesn’t have to be a paintbrush, of course; if you’ve always secretly harboured visions of yourself sketching away, by all means invest in a set of the very best pencils. If you suspect charcoal may be your forte, we’d always encourage that; if you’ve got an insatiable curiosity for pottery, far be it from us to discourage you.
We assume you’ve got the idea: a gentleman who is interested in art will become imbued with a tangible attraction of the most irresistible kind. If you really think putting paintbrush (or pencil) to paper will end in tears all round, you don’t have to do the art yourself: why not hop on over to a few galleries, and take some time to learn about art from the masters? A gentleman with an interest in art hints at a creative personality, an intellectual curiosity and a sensitive nature; and those attributes will win the attractive prize every single time.
Continue on the path to utmost refinement with our gentleman’s guide to day drinking…
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